Résultats de la recherche - 173 results

Surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in Belgian hospitals: national report including data up to 2022

Nosocomial infections Antibiorésistance Antimicrobial resistance Service:  Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and ...

Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 26-2024- Publié 03/07/24

soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial ...

Bulletin acute luchtweginfecties week 26-2024- Gepubliceerd op 03.07.2024

des soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and ...

Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian acute care hospitals: Results of the ECDC-PPS 2022

(2024) Accession Number: D/2024.14.440/43 Keywords: point prevalence survey; antimicrobials; healthcare-associated infections Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van ...

Quality indicators for infection prevention and control in acute care hospitals- Report 2023- Data up to and including 2022

Number: D/2024.14.440/24 Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance Belgian Acute Hospitals healthcare associated infections infection prevention and control IPC IPC programme quality indicators quality of care ...

Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals, National report, Data up to and including 2022

Number: D/2024.14.440/8 Keywords: antimicrobal resistence Clostridioides difficile Clostridium difficile healtcare-associated infections hospitals Health Topics:  Zorginfectie Healthcare-associated ...

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

S aureus (MRSA). While the NSIH- SEP register was the first national Healthcare-associated infection surveillance to migrate to the Healthdata environment in 2017, its actual tools for data collection and ...

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

prevalence of methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA). While the NSIH- SEP register was the first national Healthcare-associated infection surveillance to migrate to the Healthdata environment in 2017, its ...

Evaluation of the antibiotic management teams (AMT/GGA/ABTBG): A nationwide survey to describe the current landscape of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs in Belgian hospitals.

antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text ...

Nationale surveillance van postoperatieve wondinfecties en evaluatie van perioperatieve antibiotica profylaxe: NSIH-SSI protocol 2023

wondinfecties Service:  Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  ...

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