Résultats de la recherche - 11 results
Seasonal and inter-seasonal RSV activity in the European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic from autumn 2020 to summer 2022.
Moore, Catherine; Kossyvakis, Athanasios; Mellou, Kassiani; Sadikova, Olga; Tamm, Johanna Kristina; Bossuyt, Nathalie; Isabelle Thomas; Staroňová, Edita; Kudasheva, Lyudmila; Pleshkov, Boris; Ikonen, ...
Surveillance des infections à influenza. Rapport épidémiologique saison 2019-2020
Vermeulen; B. Vos; Cyril Barbezange; F. Dufrasne; Sarah Denayer; Isabelle Thomas Source: Sciensano, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.32 (2023) Accession Number: D/2022.14.440/44 Keywords: INFLUENZA Abstract: La saison ...
Surveillance van griepinfecties. Epidemiologische rapport seizoen 2019-2020
Vermeulen; B. Vos; Cyril Barbezange; F. Dufrasne; Sarah Denayer; Isabelle Thomas Source: Sciensano, Brussel, België, p.31 (2023) Accession Number: D/2022.14.440/43 Keywords: INFLUENZA Abstract: Het seizoen van ...
Effect of neuraminidase inhibitor (oseltamivir) treatment on outcome of hospitalised influenza patients, surveillance data from 11 EU countries, 2010 to 2020.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Adlhoch, Cornelia; Concepción Delgado-Sanz; Carnahan, AnnaSara; Larrauri, Amparo; Odette Popovici; Nathalie Bossuyt; Isabelle Thomas; Jan ...
Surveillance van griepinfecties. Epidemiologisch rapport seizoen 2018-2019
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Nathalie Bossuyt; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange; Dieter Van Cauteren; Melissa Vermeulen; Natalia Bustos ...
Monitoring of human coronaviruses in Belgian primary care and hospitals, 2015-20: a surveillance study.
Xavier Holemans; Koen Magerman; Door Jouck; Marc Bourgeois; Bénédicte Delaere; Sophie Quoilin; Steven Van Gucht; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange; Lorenzo Subissi Source: Lancet Microbe, Volume 2, Issue ...
Evaluation of the added value of viral genomic information for predicting severity of influenza infection
Devleesschauwer; Isabelle Thomas; Kevin Vanneste; Nancy Roosens; Herman Van Oyen Source: BMC Infectious Diseases, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2021) Health Topics: Flu Griep Grippe Acute respiratory tract infection Acute ...
Surveillance van griepinfecties in seizoen 2017-2018
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Nathalie Bossuyt; Natalia Bustos Sierra; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange; V. Van Casteren Source: ...
Virological Surveillance of Influenza in Belgium Season 2013-2014. National influenza Centre (WHO).
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Isabelle Thomas; Hombrouck,A.; Steven Van Gucht; Weyckmans,J.; Bauwens,D.; K. El Kadaani; Abady,M.; ...
Spotlight influenza: Extending influenza surveillance to detect non-influenza respiratory viruses of public health relevance: analysis of surveillance data, Belgium, 2015 to 2019.
Xavier Holemans; Koen Magerman; Door Jouck; Marc Bourgeois; Bénédicte Delaere; Sophie Quoilin; Steven Van Gucht; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange Source: Euro Surveill, Volume 26, Issue 38 (2021) ...