Résultats de la recherche - 10 results

The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV

(2023) Keywords: Cannabinoids CBD-liquids e-cigarettes LC-HRAM-MS Abstract: The use of cannabidiol or CBD products has skyrocketed in the last five years due to the alleged therapeutic benefits, a low ...

Development and validation of a targeted LC-MS/MS quantitation method to monitor cell culture expression of tetanus neurotoxin during vaccine production

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Antoine Francotte; Raphael Esson; Eric Abachin; Melissa Vanhamme; Alexandre Dobly; Bruce Carpick; Sylvie Uhlrich; Jean-François Dierick; Celine Vanhee Source: Talanta, Volume 236 (2022) Health To ...

Chemical and toxciological characterization of e-liquid cigarettes

developed for the identification of volatile organic compounds (HS / GC- MS) and the additives taurine (LC- MS / MS) and caffeine (GC- MS). Subsequently, the influence of the revised TPD on the quality of ...

The role of liquid chromatography and gas chromatography in the analysis of illegal medicines and health products

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Yaxin Tie; Celine Vanhee; Erwin Adams; Eric Deconinck Source: LC-GC Europe, Volume 32, Issue 2, Number 93 (2019) Health Topics:  ...

Chemical characterization of electronic cigarette refills (e-liquids) in Belgium

e-cigarettes GC impurities LC Nicotine Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et ...

The use of Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography for the development of herbal fingerprints to detect targeted plants in plant food supplements.

control is performed and that they could contain herbs or plants that are regulated. Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography (SOS- LC) was evaluated for the development of specific ...

Ontwikkeling van een HILIC-PDA methode voor de detectie van illegale polypeptiden

mogelijke onzuiverheden onderzocht bij de niet-gecertificeerde polypeptiden via LC- MS n. Door het vergelijken van het MS precursor ion en de MS / MS fragment ionen met deze van een standaard, kon worden ...

Development and validation of a targeted LC-MS/MS quantitation method to monitor cell culture expression of tetanus neurotoxin during vaccine production

targeted LC- MS / MS method that is able to identify and quantify the amount of TeNT present in the bacterial medium during the different production time points up to the harvesting of the TeNT just prior to ...

Development and validation of a UHPLC-MS/MS screening method and a UHPLC-DAD quantification method for the analysis of counterfeit antimicrobials

Counterfeit antimicrobials LC-DAD LC-MS/MS Health Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et produits de santé- Qualité des ...

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