Résultats de la recherche - 4 results
Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior clinical performance for detection of human papillomavirus infection: assessment using the VALGENT framework.
(pni=0.0167)). The assay also showed excellent or good agreement for overall hrHPV and nearly all individual HPV types as compared with GP5 +/6+ EIA /Luminex. CONCLUSION: The Papilloplex HR- HPV applied on ...
Clinical and analytical performance of the PapilloCheck HPV-Screening assay using the VALGENT framework.
prevalence was stratified by age and cytology grade and compared with the luminex typing assay incorporating a GP5 +6+ PCR (GP5 +/6+ LMNX Assay). Clinical outcomes were compared with GP5 +/6+ EIA. RESULTS: ...
Correction for Geraets et al., Clinical Evaluation of a GP5+/6+-Based Luminex Assay Having Full High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Genotyping Capability and an Internal Control.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Geraets, D T; Cuschieri, K; de Koning, M N C; van Doorn, L J; Snijders, P J F; Meijer, C J L M; Quint, W G V; M. Arbyn Source: J Clin Microbiol, Volume 54, Issue 7, p.1927 (2016) Health Topics: ...
Clinical evaluation of a GP5+/6+-based luminex assay having full high-risk human papillomavirus genotyping capability and an internal control.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Geraets, D T; Cuschieri, K; de Koning, M N C; van Doorn, L J; Snijders, P J F; Meijer, C J L M; Quint, W G V; M. Arbyn Source: J Clin Microbiol, Volume 52, Issue 11, p.3996-4002 (2014) Keywords: ...