Résultats de la recherche - 16 results

Methods for meta-analysis and meta-regression of binomial data: concepts and tutorial with Stata command metapreg

Meta-regressions Network Meta-Analysis Stata Abstract: Background Despite the widespread interest in meta-analysis of proportions, its rationale, certain theoretical and methodological concepts are poorly ...

Relationships between aeroallergen levels and hospital admissions for asthma in the Brussels-Capital Region: a daily time series analysis.

were performed. Effects up to 6 days after exposure were captured by combining quasi-Poisson regression with distributed lag models, adjusting for seasonal and long-term trends, day of the week, public ...

Letter to the editor: New metrics to monitor progress towards global HIV targets: using the estimated number of undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals as denominator.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: André Sasse Source: Euro Surveill, Volume 21, Issue 50 (2016) Keywords: Epidemics HIV Infections Humans Mass Screening Models, Theoretical ...

Chemometrics and the identification of counterfeit medicines-A review.

Techniques, Analytical Cluster Analysis Counterfeit Drugs Discriminant Analysis Drug Contamination Models, Theoretical Pattern Recognition, Automated Abstract: This review article provides readers with a number ...

Capture-Recapture Estimators in Epidemiology with Applications to Pertussis and Pneumococcal Invasive Disease Surveillance.

Volume 11, Issue 8, p.e0159832 (2016) Keywords: Adult Epidemiological Monitoring Feasibility Studies Female Hospitalization Humans Male middle aged Models, Theoretical Pneumococcal Infections Spatial ...

Risk of cross-contamination due to the use of antimicrobial medicated feed throughout the trail of feed from the feed mill to the farm.

Control Expo Risk Assess, Volume 33, Issue 4, p.644-55 (2016) Keywords: Animal Feed Anti-Infective Agents Food Contamination Models, Theoretical Abstract: The cross-contamination of non-medicated feed with ...

Evaluation of a hierarchical ascendant clustering process implemented in a veterinary syndromic surveillance system.

Models, Theoretical Sensitivity and Specificity Sheep SOFTWARE Abstract: Syndromic surveillance is considered as one of the surveillance components for early warning of health-related events, as it allows ...

Thyroid cancer incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: surrogate exposure modelling.

Herman Van Oyen; Francart, Julie; An Van Nieuwenhuyse Source: Cancer Epidemiol, Volume 39, Issue 1, Number 54, p.48-54 (2015) Keywords: Belgium environmental exposure Female Humans incidence Male Models, ...

In vitro surrogate models to aid in the development of antivirals for the containment of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks.

Viral Drug Discovery Foot-and-Mouth Disease Models, Theoretical Oximes Ribavirin RNA, Viral Sulfonamides Virus Cultivation Virus Replication Abstract: Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a highly ...

Bluetongue surveillance system in Belgium: a stochastic evaluation of its risk-based approach effectiveness.

Volume 112, Issue 1-2, p.48-57 (2013) Keywords: Animals Belgium Bluetongue Bluetongue virus Cattle Cattle Diseases Disease Outbreaks Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Models, Theoretical polymerase chain ...

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