Résultats de la recherche - 17 results
Bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants in biota: A long-term evaluation in the Belgian part of the North Sea
a harmful effect on the marine ecosystem. To fully understand the impact of these chemicals, monitoring programs should not only focus on sediment concentrations, but should also take into account the ...
Variability in Alternaria alternata spore characteristics under different culture conditions: implications for automatic detection using air flow cytometry
monitors, because of their significant implications for public health and agriculture due to their role as airborne allergen and plant pathogen. These systems require high-quality reference data for training ...
The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2
information gained was used to help monitor, communicate, and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Rapid and significant innovations in the field of WBS were realised in parallel in multiple jurisdictions globally. ...
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation
monitoring. While manual methods exist, interest is shifting towards automated systems employing machine learning. However, challenges persist due to diverse particle properties and limited training data. This ...
Analyzing the airborne birch and grass pollen monitoring network in Belgium
enhanced by assimilating pollen observations from strategically well-placed monitoring stations. Before assimilating observations into forecasting models, the network quality and coverage of pollen ...
Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling
same order of magnitude as the reported errors in monitored pollen levels, based on the reference Hirst method. Conclusions The uncertainty in airborne birch pollen levels near the surface modelled using ...
Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution
remotely sensed products provided by the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The combination of different products allowed us to characterise the spatial distribution of different grass-dominated habitats, ...
Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy
were extracted from modeled air concentrations and depositions from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Program (EMEP). Fresh pollen, leaf nitrogen and carbon content were measured (CHNS elemental ...
Holography-based aerobiological monitoring: a 2-year intercomparison campaign versus the standard Hirst method in Brussels, Belgium
prevent and treat respiratory symptoms and reduce the allergy burden, pollen grain concentrations have been continuously monitored using the standard Hirst method with a volumetric spore trap. However, this ...
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation
plant health and requires robust and precise monitoring systems. While a European norm based on the manual volumetric Hirst method exists, there’s a growing interest in technologies allowing automated ...