Résultats de la recherche - 9 results

Impact of the revised European Tobacco Product Directive on the quality of e-cigarette refill liquids in Belgium

Tamara; Eric Deconinck Source: 20th Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences- Brussels- 20 May 2019 (2019) Keywords: e-cigarettes Abstract: Introduction: Since its introduction more than 10 years ago, the ...

A simple dilute-and-shoot method for screening and simultaneous quantification of nicotine and alkaloid impurities in electronic cigarette refills (e-liquids) by UHPLC-DAD

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sophia Barhdadi; Bart Desmedt; Patricia Courselle; Rogiers, Vera; Vanhaecke, Tamara; Eric Deconinck Source: Journal of Pharmaceutical and ...

A novel genotoxin-specific qPCR array based on the metabolically competent human HepaRG™ cell line as a rapid and reliable tool for improved in vitro hazard assessment

for pharmaceutical, chemical, and consumer products, as afflicted compounds have to be (prematurely) abandoned or further tested on animals. Using the metabolically competent human HepaRG ™ cell line and toxicogenomics ...

Impurity profiling of the most frequently encountered falsified polypeptide drugs on the Belgian market

Volume 188, Number 807 (2018) Abstract: Advances in biotechnology and the chemical synthesis of peptides have made biopharmaceuticals and synthetic peptide drugs viable pharmaceutical compounds today and ...

Slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor technology for removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater: Towards cytostatic drug elimination

Keywords: Advanced oxidation process Cytostatic drugs Hospital wastewater treatment Pharmaceutical compounds Photocatalytic membrane reactor Abstract: The potential of photocatalytic membrane reactors (PMR) ...

The Vitotox and ToxTracker assays: a two-test combination for quick and reliable assessment of genotoxic hazards

chemical entities such as pharmaceutical and cosmetic substances. In a first tier a battery of regulatory accepted in vitro tests is recommended. These tests have a relatively high sensitivity, but a low ...

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