Résultats de la recherche - 6 results

Be.well.pro survey to measure work-related mental well-being of professionals from the healthcare and welfare sector

Keywords: Health workforce well-being Abstract: Background The COVID-19 pandemic increased the already existing pressure on healthcare  and welfare professionals, resulting in a growing shortage of staff. ...

Respi Radar, a tool to monitor respiratory infections

(first and second line) remained limited ; level Orange when there was a moderate viral circulation with pressure on the healthcare system; in this case public health measures are necessary to reverse the ...

The Belgian health examination survey: objectives, design and methods.

blood pressure and for people aged 50 years and older handgrip strength and 3) a collection of blood and urine samples. The BELHES followed as much as possible the guidelines provided in the framework of ...

Incidence rate, predictors and outcomes of interruption of HIV care: nationwide results from the Belgian HIV cohort

(ART) uptake, lower age, injecting drug use, non-Belgian nationality, male gender, not being a man who has sex with men, a shorter time since HIV diagnosis, no high blood pressure and CD4 count < ...

Characteristics of the antibiotic regimen that affect antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens

of antimicrobial (antibiotic) are modifiable factors that will influence antimicrobial selection pressure. Currently, the impact of the route of administration on the occurrence of resistance in humans ...

Recommendations in the event of a suspected transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI).

Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibodies Belgium Blood Donors Diagnosis, Differential HLA Antigens Humans Oxygen Inhalation Therapy Positive-Pressure Respiration Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult Transfusion ...

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