Résultats de la recherche - 393 results

My DNA, everybody's business? A citizen forum on the use of genomic information in society

negative attitude towards genomics will determine the societal support for the implementation of genomic technologies and individual willingness to participate in genomic screening, research and care. Every ...

Belgian citizens’ attitudes towards genomic data sharing. Results of the online DNA debate

potential abuses and their resulting harms. The majority supported the sharing for at least medical, scientific and forensic purposes, provided that protective conditions were met: 1)     Respecting ...

Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR): Annual report 2017

Number: D:2020/14.440/83 Keywords: BNMDR Neuromuscular Diseases Registry Abstract: The goals of the Belgian Neuromuscular Diseases Registry (BNMDR) are: to enable epidemiological research aimed at ...

Living with a chronic disease: insights from patients with a low socioeconomic status

need for support, and coping strategies. Patients experienced their illness as an additional problem on top of all other problems (i.e. financial/social problems, traumatic life events). In general, the ...

METROFOOD-RI: Pilot services with physical, remote and virtual access

Van Loco Source: Measurement: Sensors, Volume 18 (2021) Keywords: ESFRI Food safety and quality Metrology research infrastructure Abstract: METROFOOD- RI (www.metrofood.eu) is an ESFRI research ...

Stakeholder Coalitions and Priorities Around the Policy Goals of a Nation-Wide Mental Health Care Reform

and Mental Health Services Research, Volume 48, Issue 4 (2021) Keywords: Advocacy coalitions Health care reform HEALTH POLICY Mental health Stakeholders Abstract: The difculty of implementing mental ...

Burden of foodborne diseases: think global, act local

interventions. In recent years, various countries have taken steps to implement them. Despite progress, the current burden of disease landscape remains scattered, and researchers struggle to translate findings to ...

Physical Activity during the First Lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating the Reliance on Digital Technologies, Perceived Benefits, Barriers and the Impact of Affect

Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 18, Issue 11 (2021) Keywords: physical activity; COVID-19 lockdown; digital support for exercise; benefits; barriers; affect Health Topics:  Health and environment ...

Health-related quality of life in patients with non-communicable disease: study protocol of a cross-sectional survey

a paper-based questionnaire to gather research outcomes. Statistical analyses will be performed using multiple linear regression models with HRQ oL as main outcome parameter, adjusted for possible confounders. ...

Towards a unified classification for human respiratory syncytial virus genotypes.

regarding the criteria that define HRSV genotypes and their nomenclature, challenging data comparisons between research groups. In this study, we aim to unify the field of HRSV genotype classification by ...

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