Résultats de la recherche - 393 results

Detection and risk evaluation of counterfeit medicines based on physico-chemical properties: the fingerprint and chemometrics approach

market. Consequently, analytical techniques able to detect these kind of products and distinguish them from genuine medicines are indispensable. Part II of this dissertation describes all research performed ...

Hospitalisations at the end of life in four European countries: a population-based study via epidemiological surveillance networks.

Male middle aged REGISTRIES Retrospective Studies Terminal Care Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of cross-national population-based research on hospitalisations of people at the end ...

The resurgence of mumps and pertussis.

the occurrence of adapted microbes, failure to vaccinate and primary and secondary vaccine failure. Additional research of the immunological mechanisms is clearly needed to support the development of ...

Development and implementation of a transversal NGS & bioinformatics platform at the Belgian Institute of Public Health

researched and developed with the aim of supporting a proactive public health policy. Lastly, interaction with other high-throughput technologies such as mass spectrometry, are actively being investigated. ...

Barriers and opportunities for return-to-work of cancer survivors: time for action--rapid review and expert consultation.

and Consultation Return to Work Risk Factors sick leave Social Support Survivors Workload Abstract: BACKGROUND: The spread of early detection and the improvement of cancer treatment have led to an ...

Analytical performances of food microbiology laboratories- critical analysis of 7 years of proficiency testing results

performance problems public public health Public-health Quality quality improvement Research result results Role Sample Samples SB- IM Service Solutions study Test TESTING tests Abstract: AIM: Based on the ...

Low prevalence of previous lower limb revascularisation in patients with diabetes and acute Charcot foot: results from a case-control study.

acute phase. Preserved local perfusion is a hypothesized prerequisite for the detrimental inflammatory response. We sought support for this hypothesis by studying the prevalence of previous lower limb ...

Degree of exposure and peritraumatic dissociation as determinants of PTSD symptoms in the aftermath of the Ghislenghien gas explosion.

stress symptoms at T1. But at T2, posttraumatic stress symptoms at T1 had become the most important predictor. Dissatisfaction with social support was positively linked to development of posttraumatic ...

Effect of exposure to stress conditions on propidium monoazide (PMA)-qPCR based Campylobacter enumeration in broiler carcass rinses

Propidium public public health Public-health qPCR Quality Quantification Reduction Research Research Support SAFETY SB- IM STORAGE stress Temperature Universities university Abstract: Campylobacter ...

Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis in French Polynesia, South Pacific, 2008-201336984

Research Support Salmonella Salmonella enterica SB- IM Short strain Subtyping Abstract: Outbreaks of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis infections associated with eggs occurred in French Polynesia ...

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