Résultats de la recherche - 8 results
COVID-19 measures in Belgium: how perception and adherence of the general population differ between time periods.
age, province and socio-economic status, participated in an online survey. The survey questionnaire measured the perceived infection risk and severity, and the perception of and adherence to protective ...
Validity of self-reported air pollution annoyance to assess long-term exposure to air pollutants in Belgium
of variables selected with elastic net cross-validation, including variables related to environmental annoyance, socio-economic and health status of participants. Finally, the performance of the models ...
Evolution of educational inequalities in life and health expectancies at 25 years in Belgium between 2001 and 2011: a census-based study
Keywords: Belgium Disability-free life expectancy HEALTH EXPECTANCY Health inequality Life expectancy socio-economic inequality trends Abstract: Background: Reducing socio-economic health inequalities is ...
Correcting the self-reported BMI doesn't impact the socio-economic inequalities in obesity
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sabine Drieskens; Stefaan Demarest; Sarah Bel; Karin De Ridder; Jean Tafforeau Source: European Public Health Conference, Stockholm (2017) Keywords: BMI VALIDATION Health Topics: He ...
Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s
75, Issue 44 (2017) Keywords: Belgium Educational inequalities Health inequalities Premature mortality Abstract: Background In Belgium, socio-economic inequalities in mortality have long been described ...
Premature mortality in Belgium in 1993-2009: leading causes, regional disparities and 15 years change
extent in Brussels suggest the role of socio-economic factors; well- designed health policies could contribute to reduce the regional disparities. The increase in female lung cancer mortality is worrying. ...
Using multiple measures to assess changes in social inequalities for breast cancer screening
socio-economic position was defined by the educational level. Inequalities were measured both with pairwise measures comparing extreme educational groups (prevalence difference and prevalence ratio), and with ...
Multiple risk behaviour: increasing socio-economic gap over time?
behaviours, has been analysed with the purpose to assess socio-economic changes in multiple risk behaviour over time. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from the Belgian Health Interview Surveys 1997, 2001 and 2004 ...