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Résultats de la recherche - 8 results
Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Sentinel Network of Laboratories.
globally, while the need for reliable and representative surveillance systems remains as acute as ever. The public health surveillance of infectious diseases uses reported positive results from sentinel ...
Comparative Profiling of Ubiquitin Proteasome System Interplay with Influenza A Virus PB2 Polymerase Protein Recapitulating Virus Evolution in Humans
to deliver high-confidence comparative maps of PPI s between a given pathogen and the human ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). This subarray of the human proteome represents a range of essential ...
Survey on the Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Rapid Expansion of European National Capacities, 2015-2016.
upon consolidation and harmonization of methods should enable pan- EU data exchange for genomic surveillance in the medium-term subject to the development of suitable data management systems and ...
The Panhandle formed by influenza A and C virus NS non-coding regions determines NS segment expression.
A virus Influenzavirus C Viral Nonstructural Proteins Abstract: Exchange of the extremities of the NS segment of type A and C influenza viruses in reverse genetics systems was used to assess their putative ...
Overlapping signals for translational regulation and packaging of influenza A virus segment 2.
N40, from AUG s 1, 4 and 5 respectively. Two short open reading frames (sORFs) initiated by AUG s 2 and 3 are also present. To understand translational regulation in this system, we systematically ...
Influenza vaccination recording system in Belgium
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jérôme Antoine; Yves Dupont; D Reynders; Van Laethem, Y; Van Ranst, M; P Neels; T Roisin; J Hamdani; Françoise Wuillaume Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 68, Issue 3 (2010) Health Topics ...
Non coding extremities of the seven influenza virus type C vRNA segments: effect on transcription and replication by the type C and type A polymerase complexes.
5' non-coding (NC) regions. The plasmid-based system for the in vivo reconstitution of functional ribonucleoproteins, upon expression of viral-like RNA s together with the nucleoprotein and polymerase ...
Influenza epidemic surveillance and prediction based on electronic health record data from an out-of-hours general practitioner cooperative: model development and validation on 2003-2015 data.
(OOH GPC s) register diagnoses of ILI s in an instantly accessible electronic health record (EHR) system. This article has two objectives: to explore the possibility of modelling seasonal influenza ...