Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Agglomeration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo

Dominique Lison; Peter H. Hoet; Sybille van den Brule Source: Particle and Fibre Toxicology (2020) Keywords: Agglomerates Biological responses nanomaterials titanium dioxide toxicity Abstract: Background: The ...

Is aggregated synthetic amorphous silica toxicologically relevant?

Lode; Jan Mast; Lison, Dominique; Hoet, Peter H. Source: Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020) Keywords: Aggregates Biological activity In vitro toxicity nanomaterials synthetic ...

Short-term biodistribution and clearance of intravenously administered silica nanoparticles

Yves-Jacques; Ann Ruttens; S. Roels Source: Toxicology Reports, Volume 5, Number 638 (2018) Keywords: distribution in vivo intravenous exposure nanomaterials synthetic amorphous silica Abstract: Recently, ...

Toxicity and biological responses (in vitro) influenced by aggregation and agglomeration of manufactured nanomaterials

Source: Toxicology Letters, Volume 280 (2017) Health Topics:  Nanomaterials Nanomaterialen Nanomatériaux Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en nanomaterialen Trace elements and ...

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