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Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

Frequency of Participation in External Quality Assessment Programs Focused on Rare Diseases: Belgian Guidelines for Human Genetics Centers.

Rycke; Sara Seneca; Lut Van Laer; Wim Wuyts; Anniek Corveleyn; Kris Van Den Bogaert; Catherine Rydlewski; Françoise Wilkin; Marie Ravoet; Elodie Fastré; Arnaud Capron; N.M. Vandevelde Source: JMIR Med ...

Belgian rare diseases plan in clinical pathology: identification of key biochemical diagnostic tests and establishment of reference laboratories and financing conditions.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vandevelde, Nathalie M; Vermeersch, Pieter; Devreese, Katrien M J; Vincent, Marie-Françoise; Gulbis, Béatrice; Eyskens, François; Boemer, ...

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