Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Ongoing measles outbreak in Wallonia, Belgium, December 2016 to March 2017: characteristics and challenges.

unknown vaccination coverage of contacts, infected healthcare workers and increased workload due to contact tracing, are the main concerns for outbreak management. Health Topics:  Mazelen Measles Rougeole ...

Different measles outbreaks in Belgium, January to June 2016- a challenge for public health.

complications occurring in adults, nosocomial transmission and infection in healthcare workers. Here, we describe those outbreaks and lessons learnt for public health. Health Topics:  Measles Mazelen Rougeole ...

High number of hospitalisations and non-classical presentations: lessons learned from a measles outbreak in 2017, Belgium.

hepatic disorders (present in 58/125 hospitalised patients, 46%). Thirty-six of the cases (12%) were in healthcare workers and nosocomial spread contributed importantly to the outbreak. Older age at ...

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