Résultats de la recherche - 15 results

In vitro model to study the endocrine disrupting activity of migration products from plastic food contact materials

the cells exposed to it (after addition of luciferin, the substrate of luciferase). In a preliminary step, we first screened pure substances which were shown to migrate from plastic baby bottle, in ...

Association between bone mineral density and hearing loss in osteogenesis imperfecta

audiologic evaluation, 56 adult OI patients were classified as presenting normal hearing or conductive/mixed or pure sensorineural hearing loss. Areal bone mineral density (BMD) (aBMD) was measured using ...

Synthesis of natural pyranonaphthoquinones and related antibiotic aza-analogues36551

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: J. Jacobs; Claessens,S.; K Huygen; K. Abbaspour Tehrani; N. De Kimpe Source: Pure Appl.Chem., Volume 83, Issue 9, Number 1674, p.1651- ...

Characterization of Escherichia coli from raw poultry in Belgium and impact on the detection of Campylobacter jejuni using Bolton broth36828

Preston broth for enrichment and reliable detection of Campylobacter jejuni (both healthy and freeze stressed cells) was performed. Tested as pure cultures, Bolton broth enabled faster resuscitation and ...

Quantification of Campylobacter spp. in chicken carcass rinse by real-time PCR36795

pure DNA. The amplification efficiency was 100% and the square regression coefficient (R(2)) was 0.998. Quantification was linear over at least 7 log units. Using a crude cell lysate gave the highest ...

Detection of Neospora caninum in dog organs using real time PCR systems23

one on Plexor technology and the last on Taqman probe. Comparison of the three methods indicated that the detection limit was 1 equivalent genome on pure DNA but that this detection limit increased in ...

Isolation of Onychocola canadensis from four cases of onychomycosis in Belgium36722

in pure culture. According to the previously published cases, the patients affected were elderly and the preferential site of infection was the big toenail. In contrast to previous reports, we found ...

Role of external quality assurance schemes in assessing and improving quality in medical laboratories125

Quality Assurance,Health Care Quality Control result results Role SB- IM standards training Abstract: Medical laboratories have a long tradition of external quality assessment. Starting from pure quality ...

Use of a monoclonal antibody against an Escherichia coli O26 surface protein for detection of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic strains46

disease, ELISA-positive reactions were obtained from 7.1 to 11.2% of samples from bovine, porcine, ovine, and human sources. The two human O8 and ten animal O26 ELISA-reactive pure strains obtained from ...

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