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Résultats de la recherche - 11 results

Burden of inflammatory bowel disease in Belgium, 2020

disability (YLD s), and disability-adjusted life years (DALY s). As there is no single comprehensive data source on prevalence of IBD in Belgium, a critical appraisal of existing local and national data ...

The health and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Belgium from 2013 to 2018

Vansteelandt; Bert Vaes; Delphine De Smedt; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Popul Health Metr, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2023) Keywords: Absenteeism costs Disability-Adjusted Life Years Healthcare costs Musculoskeletal ...

Using random-forest multiple imputation to address bias of self-reported anthropometric measures, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in the Belgian health interview survey

data. With both regression calibration and multiple imputation, adjusted estimation of these variables in the BHIS allowed to generate national prevalence estimates that were closer to their BELHES ...

Burden of disease among older adults in Europe-trends in mortality and disability, 1990-2019

Disability-Adjusted Life Years Disabled Persons Europe Global Burden of Disease Global Health Humans Life expectancy mortality Quality-Adjusted Life Years Abstract: BACKGROUND: It is important to understand the effects ...

A healthy lifestyle is positively associated with mental health and well-being and core markers in ageing

using qPCR. Generalised linear mixed models were used while adjusting for a priori chosen covariates. RESULTS: The average age (SD) of the study population was 49.9 (17.5) years, and 48.8% were men. ...

Polypharmacy and health-related quality of life/psychological distress among patients with chronic disease

scores, SF-12 physical component scores (PCS), SF-12 mental component scores (MCS), and HADS anxiety and depression subscales. In the final regression model adjusting for age, sex, educational attainment, ...

Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices

disability-adjusted life years (DALY s) resulting from non-communicable diseases (NCD s) requires specific calculation methods and input data. The aims of this study were to (i) identify existing NCD burden of disease ...

QALY losses for chronic diseases and its social distribution in the general population: results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey

Public Health, Volume 22, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: Chronic disease EQ-5D Health inequality health-related quality of life Quality-adjusted life year Abstract: Background. The burden of chronic diseases is ...

Anxiety and Depression in Belgium during the First 15 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study

times of stricter policy measures. Furthermore, after the initial stress from the outbreak, coping and adjustment were observed in participants, as symptoms of anxiety and depression decreased during ...

Health-related quality of life in patients with non-communicable disease: study protocol of a cross-sectional survey

a paper-based questionnaire to gather research outcomes. Statistical analyses will be performed using multiple linear regression models with HRQ oL as main outcome parameter, adjusted for possible confounders. ...

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