Résultats de la recherche - 15 results

The state of health in the European Union (EU-27) in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2019

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: João Vasco Santos; Alicia Padron-Monedero; Boris Bikbov; Diana Alecsandra Grad; Dietrich Plass; Enkeleint A. Mechili; Federica Gazzelloni; Florian Fischer; Gerhard Sulo; Che Henry Ngwa; Isabel No ...

Standardised reporting of burden of disease studies: the STROBOD statement

sessions focused on critical analysis of BOD studies. In 2021, a working group was formed to refine the preliminary version into the final Standardised Reporting of Burden of Disease studies (STROBOD) ...

A preliminary estimate of the environmental burden of disease associated with exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and ADHD in Europe based on human biomonitoring

associated with pyrethroid exposure. Yet, these figures should be interpreted with caution given the uncertainty of the estimation. A sensitivity analysis showed that by applying a different exposure-response ...

Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004-2019: A comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Brecht Devleesschauwer; Aline Scohy; Robby De Pauw; Vanessa Gorasso; Anne Kongs; Elias Neirynck; Peter Verduyckt; Grant M A Wyper; Laura Van den Borre Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 81, Issue ...

Inequalities in the burden of non-communicable diseases across European countries: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Carlos Alexandre Soares Andrade; Nour Mahrouseh; Jonila Gabrani; Periklis Charalampous; Sarah Cuschieri; Diana Alecsandra Grad; Brigid Unim; Enkeleint A Mechili; José Chen-Xu; Brecht Devleesschau ...

Burden of disease attributable to risk factors in European countries: A scoping literature review

influence the quantification of the attributable burden. From our analysis we observed that the use of CRA was less common for some types of risk factors and outcomes. These included environmental and ...

Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices

in BoD studies that consisted of secondary data analysis of GBD study findings. Ambiguity in reporting the use of NCD-specific BoD methods underlines the need for reporting guidelines of BoD studies to ...

Measuring disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to COVID-19 in Scotland, 2020

certificates. We calculated DALY s based on the COVID-19 consensus model and methods outlined by the European Burden of Disease Network. DALY s were presented as a range, using a sensitivity analysis based on ...

Maturation of Esophageal Motility and Esophagogastric Junction in Preterm Infants

Esophageal pressure topography and pressure impedance metrics were derived. Mixed models with repeated measures were used for statistical analysis. Results: We analyzed 137 nutritive swallows from 36 motility ...

The burden of legionnaires' disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017.

corresponds to 71.96 (95% UI: 39.33-109.75) DALY s per 100,000 persons. Conclusions: This analysis revealed a considerable burden of LD in Belgium that is vastly underestimated by surveillance data. Comparison ...

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