Résultats de la recherche - 3 results
Evaluation of the potential health risks of substances migrating from polycarbonate replacement baby bottles.
substances was shown to be below their SML. The unlisted substances were evaluated using toxicological information from previous evaluations, or if not available, by applying the Threshold of Toxicological ...
Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years
benzophenone (600 µg kg-1, found up to 97 µg kg-1), concentrations in the migration solutions were below the SML s. In Chapter 5.2, an evaluation of the effect of several “real-life use conditions” by means of ...
Evaluation of the migration of chemicals from baby bottles under standardised and duration testing conditions.
below their respective specific migration limits (SML s). The reference experiment confirmed the migration of some of the compounds previously detected in the EU repetitive-use experiment, though at lower ...