Résultats de la recherche - 320 results
Analytical performances of food microbiology laboratories- critical analysis of 7 years of proficiency testing results
p.346- 354 (2016) Keywords: a Agriculture an Analyses analysi analysis Area Areas article Attention Belgium Brussels calculation Case cause causes de electronic environment environmental Environmental ...
Comparison of three development approaches for Stationary Phase Optimised Selectivity Liquid Chromatography based screening methods Part II: A group of structural analogues (PDE-5 inhibitors in food supplements).
primary runs at one isocratic level, the second of primary runs in gradient mode and the third of primary runs at three isocratic levels to calculate the optimal combination of segments of stationary ...
Comparison of three development approaches for Stationary Phase Optimised Selectivity Liquid Chromatography based screening methods Part I: A heterogeneous group of molecules (slimming agents in food supplements).
of primary runs at one isocratic level, the second of primary runs in gradient mode and the third of primary runs at three isocratic levels to calculate the optimal combination of segments of ...
Melanoma burden by melanoma stage: Assessment through a disease transition model
The model was applied to a large cohort of 8016 melanoma patients recorded by the Belgian Cancer Registry for incidence years 2009-2011. DALY s were calculated for each American Joint Committee on ...
Overview and evaluation of 15 years of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance in Belgium, 1998-2012.
system met its objectives and to assess its acceptability. METHODS: For 1999-2010, we linked surveillance data with hospital discharge data. We calculated the proportion of CJD suspected patients who died ...
Non-surgical periodontal therapy with systemic antibiotics in patients with untreated aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
were pooled using a random effect model. Weighted mean differences were calculated and heterogeneity was assessed. RESULTS: The search yielded 296 abstracts. Ultimately, 101 articles were selected of ...
Comparison of socio-economic indicators explaining inequalities in Healthy Life Years at age 50 in Europe: 2005 and 2010.
calculated using Sullivan’s method, applying the age-specific prevalence of activity limitation from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU- SILC) survey to life tables. Inequalities ...
Treatment burden in patients with at least one class IV or V CFTR mutation
in the 2010 database of the Belgian CF Registry. We calculated a “Treatment Burden Index” (TBI) by assigning long term therapies to categories low, medium and high intensity, for differential weighing ...
Growth of Stressed Strains of Four Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Serogroups in Five Enrichment Broths.
h of enrichment was measured; lag phases and maximum growth rates were also calculated. In general, growth on BPW resulted in a short lag phase followed by a high maximum growth rate during the ...
Evolution of the implementation of a quality management system in the Belgian laboratories for anatomic pathology
score were calculated. Results From the installation of the RD till 2015, the number of licensed laboratories diminished from 102 in 2013 to 85 in 2015, mostly due to cessation of laboratories of ...