Résultats de la recherche - 320 results
Linking animal and human health burden: challenges and opportunities
frameworks enable a calculation of attributable DALY s; however, significant economic methodological developments are needed to ensure that local production changes are appropriately mapped to both local and ...
Establishing disease models for the Belgian national burden of disease study: challenges and perspectives
currently provides disease burden estimates for 38 key diseases. The calculation of the non-fatal component of the disease burden, the Years Lived with Disability (YLD), follows a stepwise approach that aims ...
Burden of inflammatory bowel disease in Belgium, 2020
sources was conducted. Prevalence data were combined with disability weights to yield YLD s. YLL s were calculated using the most recent Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 reference life table and the ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024
a summary measure that combines both mortality and morbidity. In EB oD- FL, a novel approach is developed where the EBD is calculated locally at the level of the statistical sector. This approach adds ...
Belgian National Burden of Disease Study. Guidelines for the calculation of risk factor attributable burden
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Sarah Nayani; Leonor Guariguata; Sarah Croes; Arno Pauwels; Masja Schmidt; Vanessa Gorasso; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.50 (2025) ...
Burden of disease due to air pollution. Overview of the methodologies for air quality attributable burden calculations in Belgium and its regions
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Arno Pauwels; Eva M De Clercq; Bram Vandeninden; Hans Hooyberghs; Jurgen Buekers; Elke Trimpeneers; Frans Fierens; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels ...
Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study.
COVID-19 vaccination and mortality by age group for 90% of study weeks or more in the full study period were included. We calculated the percentage reduction in the number of expected and reported deaths. ...
Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study.
COVID-19 vaccination and mortality by age group for 90% of study weeks or more in the full study period were included. We calculated the percentage reduction in the number of expected and reported deaths. ...
The importance of estimating the burden of disease from foodborne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi
ChD in new estimates of the global burden of foodborne disease. Preliminary calculations suggest a burden of at least 137,000 Disability Adjusted Life Years, but this does not take into account the ...
10 years of organizing L. monocytogenes enumeration proficiency testing in food matrices at the Belgian national reference laboratory.
distinguish both species. Performance of the participants is expressed using z-score calculated based on the consensus value from participant results. Sensitivity, specificity and the overall performance of the ...