Résultats de la recherche - 6 results
Health-related quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulceration: study protocol for adaptation and validation of patient-reported outcome measurements (PROMs) in Dutch-speaking patients.
ANALYSIS: This study will be conducted as a monocentre observational cohort study in DFU patients presenting at a hospital-based multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic. Data will be collected from the medical ...
Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.
other off-loading techniques (30.4 and 19.9%, P=0.02), but not knee-high off-loading (7.0 and 8.1%). Conclusion: Periodical audits in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics have shown a decline in ...
Clinical action measures improve the reliability of feedback on quality of care in diabetes centres: a retrospective cohort study.
clinician’s actions and the longitudinal nature of chronic care are more reliable, although their major limitation is that they require more sophisticated electronic health records. We created a clinical action ...
Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.
(2016) Keywords: Clinical Audit Delivery of Health Care Diabetes Mellitus Dictionaries as Topic Europe Humans Reference Standards Reproducibility of Results Abstract: BACKGROUND: A set of core diabetes ...
Low prevalence of previous lower limb revascularisation in patients with diabetes and acute Charcot foot: results from a case-control study.
ulcers (DFU) (Charcot group, N=50) were retrospectively identified in a database used for quality of care monitoring in 36 Belgian specialized diabetic foot clinics in the period 2005-2011. [1] Patients ...
Negative determinants of diabetic foot ulcer healing: 6-month follow-up of a large multicentre cohort
ulcer (DFU) healing is crucial for improving DFU care. We identified negative determinants of DFU healing in diabetic foot clinics (DFC) participating in a quality improvement (QI) initiative with ...