Résultats de la recherche - 24 results

Efficacy and safety of prophylactic HPV vaccines. A Cochrane review of randomized trials.

randomized clinical trials; safety; systematic review. Abstract: Introduction:  Recently, the evidence on efficacy and safety of prophylactic HPV vaccines derived from randomized trials was published in the ...

Clinical and Analytical Evaluation of the Anyplex II HPV HR Detection Assay within the VALGENT-3 Framework.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Oštrbenk, A; Xu, Lan; M. Arbyn; Poljak, Mario Source: Journal of Clinical Microbioly, Volume 56, Issue 11 (2018) Keywords: Adult Cervix ...

Validation of intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the Xpert HPV assay according to the international guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

reproducibility and non-inferior clinical accuracy for cervical precancer compared to a standard comparator assay. The international reproducibility criteria are: lower bound of 95% confidence interval of the ...

VALHUDES: A protocol for validation of human papillomavirus assays and collection devices for HPV testing on self-samples and urine samples

aims to compare the clinical sensitivity and specificity of particular hrHPV assay(s) on vaginal self-samples and first-void-urine, collected in agreement with standardized protocols, with hrHPV testing ...

Clinical Evaluation of INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping II Assay Using the VALGENT Framework.

Neoplasms Abstract: In this diagnostic test validation study, we assessed the clinical accuracy and HPV genotyping performance of the INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping II (INNO-LiPA) within the VALGENT-3 framework. ...

Palliative care service use by older people: Time trends from a mortality follow-back study between 2005 and 2014.

died non-suddenly aged 65+ years, general practitioners reported sociodemographic and clinical data, use of any of the palliative care services available in Belgium and when the first of these services ...

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