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Résultats de la recherche - 5 results
Towards Real-Time and Affordable Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigations Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies
Technologies, and we compared this to Illumina short-read-based metagenomics. After 12 h of MinION sequencing, strain-level characterization could be achieved, linking the food containing a pathogen to the ...
Whole Genome Sequencing Provides an Added Value to the Investigation of Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Outbreaks
which primers are sometimes shown to be non-specific, WGS enabled complete se gene profiling with high performance, provided that a database containing reference sequences for all se genes was constructed ...
A Practical Method to Implement Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigation and Source Tracking in Routine.
in food samples containing different strains, including a combination of different STEC strains. For the first time, we also managed to link individual strains from a food product to isolates from ...
Pork as a source of transmission of Toxoplasma gondii to humans: a parasite burden study in pig tissues after infection with different strains of Toxoplasma gondii as a function of time and different parasite stages.
carnivores/omnivores can also become infected by consumption of raw or undercooked infected meat containing muscle cysts. This route of transmission is considered to account for at least 30% of human toxoplasmosis ...
Food-Borne Outbreak Investigation and Molecular Typing: High Diversity of Staphylococcus aureus Strains and Importance of Toxin Detection
a kindergarten and involved 28, 18, and six cases, respectively. Various food leftovers contained coagulase positive staphylococci (CPS). Low levels of staphylococcal enterotoxins ranging between 0.015 ng/g and ...