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Résultats de la recherche - 10 results
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
encompass contributions from the private sector as well as national and European initiatives. Health Topics: Cancer Cancer Kanker Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies ...
The Belgian Cancer Inventory: Co-creating a framework for monitoring the implementation of cancer policies and associated inequalities
was determined. Results: In total, the Delphi study featured contributions from 94 participants. Following the first round during which importance was the sole evaluation criterion, all indicators and dimensions ...
The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics
online DNA debate was organised, where 1,127 citizens contributed to its deliberative platform. Results: Contributors expressed a dual attitude towards the societal use of genomic information throughout ...
Citizens' conceptions of the genome: Related values and practical implications in a citizen forum on the use of genomic information
interests coexist. Patient or public contribution: The panel of the citizen forum consisted of 32 citizens. Health Topics: Cancer Cancer Kanker Service: Centre du cancer Kankercentrum Cancer centre Manuscript ...
Standardization of Somatic Variant Classifications in Solid and Haematological Tumours by a Two-Level Approach of Biological and Clinical Classes: An Initiative of the Belgian ComPerMed Expert Panel.
contribution of each variant to the malignancy and its subsequent clinical impact in a specific malignancy. These so-called biological and clinical classifications of somatic variants are currently not ...
HPV DNA, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16INK4a detection in head and neck cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
including a meta-regression to explore sources of heterogeneity. FINDINGS 148 studies were included, contributing data for 12 163 cases of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma from 44 countries. HPV DNA was ...
Note politique: Les soins après cancer en Belgique: Défis et opportunités pour la prochaine législature
cancer. Celles-ci ont été rédigées à partir des contributions récoltées lors d’une table ronde de novembre 2018 regroupant les principaux acteurs (représentants des patients, professionnels de santé et ...
Rapport Table Ronde 'Soins après cancer en Belgique'
cancer. Celles-ci ont été rédigées à partir des contributions récoltées lors d’une table ronde de novembre 2018 regroupant les principaux acteurs (représentants des patients, professionnels de santé et ...
CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control- Chapter 4: Screening
here are currently lacking in many European settings, which may contribute substantially to inequalities in cancer prevention outcomes observed both between and within countries. Organization for the ...
Final report: MY DNA, EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS? Qualitative analysis of the belgian citizen forum on the use of genomic information
might be required to balance personal interests and the common good. This citizen forum shows that citizens can make meaningful contributions to a complex field like ELSI in genomics. Continued citizen ...