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Résultats de la recherche - 403 results

Higher buccal mtDNA content is associated with residential surrounding green in a panel study of primary school children

mtDNAc in children, which indicates the importance of the early life environment. To what extent these findings contribute to later life health effects should be further examined. Health Topics:  Health ...

Validity of self-reported air pollution annoyance to assess long-term exposure to air pollutants in Belgium

air pollution exposure and a weak contribution of environmental annoyance variables in prediction models. Models using variables related to the socio-economic status, region, urban level and ...

Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies

carbon and health tax policy maximizes benefits in terms of both environmental and health outcomes. We show that such a combined policy could contribute to around one third of the reductions in residual ...

Tick-borne diseases in Belgium: The incidence and economic burden of Lyme borreliosis and the occurrence of other tick-borne infections

have remained. This thesis aims to contribute to the assessment of the burden of LB in Belgium, amongst others, by setting up a prospective cohort study. This work resulted in estimations of the ...

Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.

chicken samples while providing additional insights in RNA virus sequence diversity and coinfecting viruses potentially contributing to pathogenicity. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale ...

Controlled Human Infection Studies: Proposals for guidance on how to design, develop and produce a challenge strain.

routine manufacturing of batches, do not contribute to the proper development and qualification of the candidate product. Some considerations regarding suitability of premises for challenge manufacturing ...

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Grass and Birch Pollen in Belgium

Grass health pollen Pollinosis SILAM Abstract: The contribution of biogenic aerosols such as pollen to air pollution effects on the human wellbeing is substantial. Recently there is a global increase in ...

Developing a tool to monitor knowledge translation in the health system: results from an international Delphi study

Technique Health Information Systems HEALTH POLICY Humans public health Translational Research, Biomedical Abstract: BACKGROUND: It is generally accepted that evidence-informed decision making contributes to ...

Spotlight influenza: The 2019/20 influenza season and the impact of COVID-19 on influenza surveillance in the WHO European Region.

the Region, with dominance of B/Victoria-lineage viruses in a few countries. The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to an earlier end of the influenza season and reduced influenza virus circulation probably ...

The Relation between Perceived and Actual Understanding and Adherence: Results from a National Survey on COVID-19 Measures in Belgium.

implemented various infection prevention and control measures over time. This study investigated the extent to which understanding of the COVID-19 measures contributed to adherence, and which personal ...

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