Résultats de la recherche - 4 results
Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain
Meanwhile, most drug policies and services are still grounded in response approaches that address issues of the past decades (e.g. problematic heroin and cocaine use). The current rise of prevalence and use of ...
Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs
(‘ecstasy’) and powder/crystal forms together into a single category, which could lead to an underestimation of MDMA use. This study uses data from nine countries covered in the European Web Survey on Drugs ...
Synthetic Cannabinoids and Cannabis: How the Patterns of Use Differ: Results from the European Web Survey on Drugs
(2022) Keywords: cannabis new psychoactive substances Synthetic cannabinoids Web Survey on Drugs Abstract: The aim of the current study is to assess if the patterns of use, socio-demographic ...
Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2021
upon request. The annual reporting comprises of 10 Chapters: Chapter 1: Drug Policy Chapter 2: Legal Framework Chapter 3: Drug use in (the) (sub)population(s) Chapter 4: Preventino Chapter 5: Treatment Chapter 6: ...