Résultats de la recherche - 685 results
Burden of salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and listeriosis: a time series analysis, Belgium, 2012 to 2020.
are food-borne diseases. We estimated and forecasted the number of cases of these three diseases in Belgium from 2012 to 2020, and calculated the corresponding number of disability-adjusted life years ...
Mapping occurrence of Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis and areas at risk of porcine cysticercosis in Central America and the Caribbean basin.
More detailed information on the distribution of T. solium and accurate burden estimations are urgently needed to grasp the true extent of this zoonotic parasite and the public health and agricultural ...
Improved Metrological Traceability of Particle Size Values Measured with Line-Start Incremental Centrifugal Liquid Sedimentation.
with uncertainties for the assigned modal diameter and effective particle density. The lack of such information and the absence of a traceability statement make it difficult for the end-user to estimate ...
Augmented and doubly robust G-estimation of causal effects under a Structural nested failure time model.
effect of a time-dependent exposure on a survival outcome. They have been introduced along with so-called G-estimation methods to provide valid adjustment for time-dependent confounding induced by ...
Epidemiology of taeniosis/cysticercosis in Europe, a systematic review: Western Europe.
were reported and the number of detected cases per year ranged between 1 and 114. Detected prevalences ranged from 0.05 to 0.27%, whereas estimated prevalences ranged from 0.02 to 0.67%. Most taeniosis ...
Estimating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders using medication data in Flanders, Belgium.
Pottelbergh, Gijs; Goderis, Geert; Johan Van der Heyden Source: Eur J Public Health (2017) Abstract: Background: Various methods exist to estimate disease prevalences. The aim of this study was to determine ...
Fat-soluble vitamin intake from the consumption of food, fortified food and supplements: design and methods of the Belgian VITADEK study.
computation of vitamin intake from all sources providing as such more accurate estimates of fat-soluble vitamin intake. DISCUSSION: The results will allow assessing inadequate micronutrient intake by comparison ...
Attribution of global foodborne disease to specific foods: Findings from a World Health Organization structured expert elicitation
Global Health Humans prevalence World Health Organization Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recently the World Health Organization, Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG) estimated that 31 ...
Advanced Methods for Dose and Regimen Finding During Drug Development: Summary of the EMA/EFPIA Workshop on Dose Finding (London 4-5 December 2014).
fact that selection of dose for phase III is an estimation problem and should not be addressed via hypothesis testing. Dose selection for phase III trials should be informed by well-designed dose-finding ...
Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD)
dietary intake. When using a refined scenario for the classification of food items, the PA s/ PANO s intake fell for a factor 4 compared to a more global scenario. The estimates of the mean intake and the ...