Résultats de la recherche - 685 results

Risk Assessment of Florists Exposed to Pesticide Residues through Handling of Flowers and Preparing Bouquets.

sample of 22.22 mg/kg. Several predictive levels of contamination were considered to assess the risk. The potential dermal exposures (PDE) of florists were estimated at the average, for different ...

Sample substitution can be an acceptable data-collection strategy: the case of the Belgian Health Interview Survey.

possible effects of applying substitution on response rates and health estimates remain uncertain. In this article, the process of substitution with its impact on response rates and health estimates ...

Introduction of liquid-based cytology and human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer screening in Luxembourg.

compare conventional and liquid-based cytology (LBC), estimate the prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology and high risk HPV (hrHPV) infection and their correlation, among screened women in Luxembourg. ...

Model-Based Classification for Digital PCR: Your Umbrella for Rain.

Clement, Lieven Source: Anal Chem, Volume 89, Issue 8, p.4461-4467 (2017) Abstract: Standard data analysis pipelines for digital PCR estimate the concentration of a target nucleic acid by digitizing the ...

Excess all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in Europe, December 2016 to February 2017.

all-cause mortality was observed in many European countries, especially among people aged ≥ 65 years. We estimated all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in 19 European countries/regions. Excess ...

Public health risk of antimicrobial resistance transfer from companion animals.

for medicinal products for companion animals. This would allow the approval of new veterinary medicinal antimicrobials for which risk levels are estimated as acceptable for public health. Health ...

Assessment of dietary intake of 10 intense sweeteners by the Italian population.

analyzed in order to establish the concentration levels. Intense sweeteners were only found in foods belonging to 8 sugar-free food categories out of 37 regulated. The dietary exposure was estimated using ...

Historical aspects of iodine deficiency control.

are not included in the current estimation of the Global Burden Disease related to iodine deficiency. Severe iodine deficiency as a public health problem is now largely under control worldwide, but can ...

Persistence of antimicrobial resistance in respiratory streptococci.

estimating equation (GEE) approach. The link function was adjusted to acknowledge that the proportion of resistant isolates in the population not treated with antibiotics [baseline resistance (BR)] is not ...

Demystifying EQA statistics and reports.

tests and graphical representation techniques are discussed and suggestions are given to help choosing between the different evaluations techniques. In order to obtain reliable estimates for calculating ...

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