Résultats de la recherche - 685 results
Capture-Recapture Estimators in Epidemiology with Applications to Pertussis and Pneumococcal Invasive Disease Surveillance.
estimation. The choice of estimator and their robustness with respect to the homogeneity and independence assumptions are however not well documented. METHODS: We investigated the performance of five different ...
Assessing the sensitivity and representativeness of the Belgian Sentinel Network of Laboratories using test reimbursement data.
a test coverage analysis. METHODS: We estimated test coverage of the SNL using the ratio of reimbursed tests performed by participating laboratories to the total number of tests performed between 2007 and ...
Risk of cross-contamination due to the use of antimicrobial medicated feed throughout the trail of feed from the feed mill to the farm.
To identify the extent of this situation, we built a risk model that provides a way to estimate the percentage of cross-contaminated feed in total and at the different levels at which ...
Scientific Statement on Presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in food, with particular focus on seafood
organic as well of inorganic nature. Based on a conservative estimate the presence of microplastics in seafood would have a small effect on the overall exposure to additives or contaminants. Toxicity and ...
Transfer of Campylobacter from a Positive Batch to Broiler Carcasses of a Subsequently Slaughtered Negative Batch: A Quantitative Approach.
min of sampling time. However, the reduction was slower than previously estimated in risk assessment studies, suggesting that pathogen transfer during crosscontamination is a complex process. Health ...
Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and emerging halogenated flame retardants in food items
accurate estimation of the human intake. The main aim of this Project was to follow the EU Commission Recommendation 2014/118/ EU on the monitoring of BFR s in various food items from the Belgian market and ...
Validation of a Sampling Method to Collect Exposure Data for Central-Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections.
Our objective was to evaluate the accuracy of various sampling strategies in the estimation of CLD s in intensive care units (ICU s) and to establish a set of rules to identify optimal sampling ...
Scientific opinion on the Acute health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in raw apricot kernels and products derived from raw apricot kernels
the general population and cancer patients, respectively), exposures exceeded the AR fD 17-413 and 3-71 times in toddlers and adults, respectively. The estimated maximum quantity of apricot kernels (or ...
Biotech Rice: Current developments and future detection challenges in food and feed chain
expensive regarding the number of analysis to perform. Moreover, the dispersion of publicly available information about developed GMO prevents to accurately estimate the efficiency of the standard detection ...
Scientific Opinion on the Appropriateness to set a group health-based guidance value for zearalenone and its modified forms
differences in in vivo oestrogenic potency, each phase Imetabolite was assigned a potency factor relative to ZEN to be applied to exposure estimates of the respective ZEN metabolites. It was assumed that ...