Résultats de la recherche - 685 results

The impact of hearing disability on well-being and health.

social well-being. METHODS: The data come from the participants of the 1997 national health survey in Belgium, who were 15 years and older (n = 8,560). The presence and severity of the hearing disability was estimated ...

Descriptive epidemiology of a classical swine fever outbreak in the Limburg Province of Belgium in 1997.

direct costs of the episode were estimated at [symbol: see text] 10,893,337. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary science ...

Cervical cancer screening in Belgium.

to certain estimates), but is achieved at the expense of an important amount of over-screening. The coverage is lower in the Walloon and the Capital Region. Rationalisation of the policy regarding ...

DNA ploidy and nuclear morphometric variables for the evaluation of melanocytic tumors in dogs and cats.

between the different variables were tested. Their role in the prognosis in affected dogs and cats was estimated using the Cox regression test with respect to 6 months postoperative survival rate. RESULTS: ...

Prevalence of bovine herpesvirus-1 in the Belgian cattle population.

vaccinated continuously against BHV-1. In the unvaccinated group, the overall herd, individual-animal and median within-herd seroprevalences were estimated to be 67% (95% confidence interval (CI)=62-72), 35.9% ...

Prevalence of herds with young sows seropositive to pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease) in northern Belgium.

conducted in the five provinces of northern Belgium to estimate the provincial pseudorabies virus (PRV) herd seroprevalence. Seven hundred and twenty randomly selected herds were included in this survey. To ...

Nested designs in ruggedness testing

methods described in the literature were found to cause problems. In these methods the variances of the examined factors are estimated from the calculated mean square values and from the equation for the ...

An experimental infection with classical swine fever virus in weaner pigs. I. Transmission of the virus, course of the disease, and antibody response.

pens 1 and 3 was observed 18 dpi. Pigs were found to be seropositive in pens 1, 2, and 3 from 24, 20, and 22 dpi onwards, respectively. The reproduction ratio (R0) for the pigs in pen 2, estimated ...

Neomycin: microbiological assay or liquid chromatography?36676

diffusion (RSD:41%) and 56% by turbidimetry (RSD: 50%). This confirmed that the presence of neomycin C in a neomycin sample influences the reproducibility of the microbiological assay. T estimate the ...

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