Résultats de la recherche - 685 results

Detection of false negative Pap smears by rapid reviewing. A metaanalysis.

SIL. The specificity of rapid rescreening was estimated as 97.2% (CI: 96.4-98.1). The positive predictive value of suspicion at RR is about 8.8%. Seven references contained historical data on full ...

Cardiovascular risk factors and complications associated with albuminuria and impaired renal function in insulin-treated diabetes.

factors as well as micro- and macrovascular complications in type 1 and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, both in the presence and in the absence of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). ...

HPV-FASTER: broadening the scope for prevention of HPV-related cancer.

determine the optimal combination of HPV vaccination and screening in public health programmes, and to estimate the effects of such approaches in different populations. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare ...

General Practice Care for Patients with Rare Diseases in Belgium. A Cross-Sectional Survey.

prevalence of rare diseases in the Belgian general practice population was estimated at 12.0 (95% CI 10.3⁻13.9) per 10,000. This study acknowledges the important role of GP s in rare disease care. Knowledge ...

Estimated Annual Numbers of Foodborne Pathogen-Associated Illnesses, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, France, 2008-2013.

Nelly Fournet; Henriette de Valk; Jean-Claude Desenclos Source: Emerg Infect Dis, Volume 23, Issue 9 (2017) Keywords: Foodborne Diseases France Public Health Surveillance Abstract: Estimates of the annual ...

Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium

(HLY), total life expectancy (LE), and unhealthy life years (ULY). Methods: Data on smoking and disability from participants of the 2013 Health Interview Survey in Belgium were used to estimate smoking and ...

Evaluation of the health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in foods other than raw apricot kernels

acute effects of CN regardless the dietary source. To account for differences in cyanide bioavailability after ingestion of certain food items, specific factors were used. Estimated mean acute dietary ...

Optimising the case-crossover design for use in shared exposure settings.

a high number of events on the same date (e.g. outbreaks) affected coefficient estimation. As illustrated by our work, referent selection alone can be insufficient to control for a time-varying confounding ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

analysis showed that multidrug-resistant (MDR) S.enterica serotype Kentucky isolates belonged to a single lineage, which we estimate emerged circa 1989 following the acquisition of the AMR-associated ...

Time between Symptom Onset, Hospitalisation and Recovery or Death: Statistical Analysis of Belgian COVID-19 Patients.

different event times for different patient groups are estimated accounting for interval censoring and right truncation of the time intervals. The time between symptom onset and hospitalization or diagnosis ...

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