Résultats de la recherche - 180 results

Galaxy @Sciensano: a comprehensive bioinformatics portal for genomics-based microbial typing, characterization, and outbreak detection.

was implemented using Galaxy, an open-source platform for data analysis and workflow creation. The Galaxy @Sciensano instance is available to both internal and external scientists and offers a wide ...

EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)

on oncology decision support tools (oncDSTs) within the CAN. HEAL project under the EU4H ealth Programme. It introduces the EU-oncDST concept, a digital framework that facilitates the implementation ...

Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries

Denmark during that period). These differences were more limited from July 2021 onwards. Lower excess mortality was associated with implementing stringent non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI s) when ...

Susceptibility of Mammals to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: A Qualitative Risk Assessment From the Belgian Perspective.

based on the field and experimental data are therefore necessary to implement and adapt risk-based mitigation measures. This will require continuous monitoring of avian influenza viruses in both birds and ...

Protective efficacy of classical vaccines and vaccination protocols against an exotic Newcastle disease virus genotype VII.2 in Belgian layer and broiler chickens.

chickens Classical vaccination Genotype VII.2 Layer Newcastle disease virus Abstract: Vaccination against Newcastle disease (ND) has been routinely implemented in the Belgian professional poultry sector ...

Accuracy of immunological tests on serum and urine for diagnosis of Taenia solium neurocysticercosis: A systematic review

perform large-scale evaluations whilst holding into account both optimized test performance and ease of use. Accessibility to validated tests and feasibility of implementation should also be considered. ...

Non-invasive infections are associated with different serotypes than invasive infections, Belgium, 2020 to 2023.

Infections Serogroup Serotyping Streptococcus pneumoniae Abstract: Despite widely implemented pneumococcal vaccination programmes, remains a global risk for human health. can cause invasive (IPD) or ...

Applying foresight methods at the national level in the field of substance use: Experience from the DRUGPREP project

This presentation will focus on the experience from the DRUGPREP project. While foresight has been used in other sectors, its implementation in the drugs field has previously remained relatively limited. ...

5.X.1. Co-designing for policy impact: Belgium’s monitoring & evaluation framework for cancer care & control

a research-focused undertaking. In Belgium, Sciensano’s Cancer Centre has been charged with the coordination and implementation of these programs, pioneering the setup of a dedicated structure to coordinate them. ...

Draft implementation plan for a linkage tool

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Matthieu Billuart; Léonore Nasiadka; Joris Van Loenhout Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.20 (2024) Accession Number: NA Keywords: COVID-19 vaccination Data li ...

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