Résultats de la recherche - 169 results

Residential greenness and pollen exposure across gestational trimesters in relation to preschool wheezing: Results for the PIPO birth cohort

data from the PIPO birth cohort (n = 860). Wheezing was reported biannually between 18 and 48 months of age. Residential greenness was measured with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in 100 ...

Monitoring community antibiotic consumption in Belgium: reimbursement versus retail data (2013–22)

period 2013–22. The community consumption of systemic antibiotics was expressed in defined daily doses (DDD — WHO ATC / DDD Index 2023) per inhabitants per day (DID). Relative differences in DID (RD s) ...

Assessment of receptor-mediated activity (AhR and ERα), mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of metal shredder wastes in Wallonia, Belgium.

wastes was further evaluated with zebrafish embryos. Except for the dust sample (site 2), all samples were found to be teratogenic as they returned teratogenic indexes (TI s) > 1. The high levels of ...

Policy implementation and recommended actions to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): a comparative analysis in South Asia

healthier food environments. METHODS: This study reviewed and assessed food environment policies in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka from 2020 to 2022 using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index ...

Food environment in Burkina Faso: priority actions recommended to the government using Food-EPI tool.

Index (Food- EPI). RESULTS: Up to 20 priority policy actions were recommended to the Burkina Faso government. Actions in the policy component focused mainly on regulation of food promotion and marketing, ...

Lifestyle predictors of colorectal cancer in European populations: a systematic review

population but developed elsewhere, mostly USA. All models but two reported at least one lifestyle factor as predictor. Of the lifestyle factors, the most common predictors were body mass index (BMI) and ...

Personal characteristics and transmission dynamics associated with SARS-CoV-2 semi-quantitative PCR test results: an observational study from Belgium, 2021-2022.

an index case. Odds ratios for test positivity and high viral load in HREC were calculated based on the SQ- PCR result of the index case using logistic regression models adjusted for age, sex, immunity ...

Food Environment in Burkina Faso: Review of Public Policies and Government Actions Using the Food-EPI Tool

eating practices. OBJECTIVES: This study analyzes public policies and government actions related to creating healthy food environments in Burkina Faso. METHODS: The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index tool used for ...

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