Résultats de la recherche - 90 results

Policy brief: La nécessité d'un plan d'action régional pour la prévention du suicide en Wallonie

interventions universelles, sélectives et ciblées, sur base de données probantes. Health Topics:  Mental health Santé mentale Mentale gezondheid Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information ...

Informal caregiving and mental health: results from the Belgian health interview survey 2013 and 2018

more directly related to the nature and intensity of the caregiving tasks themselves rather than the demographic characteristics of the caregivers. Interventions aimed at reducing the adverse effects of ...

Monitoring community antibiotic consumption in Belgium: reimbursement versus retail data (2013–22)

retail data can facilitate timely interventions and inform public health strategies to effectively address antimicrobial resistance. Service:  Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties ...

Women’s health report for Belgium: addressing the information gap

• Specific interventions should target teenage girls. Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.852 File:  ...

Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries

Denmark during that period). These differences were more limited from July 2021 onwards. Lower excess mortality was associated with implementing stringent non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI s) when ...

Modelling the cost differential between current and healthy diets according to household education level in Belgium.

Though needing validation, this finding is valuable for interventions aimed at improving dietary habits in disadvantaged populations. Health Topics:  Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Food consumption and ...

A protocol for identifying the needs related to drug use, health and social (re)integration of people living in prison within five European countries

many risk factors in common. A need exists for increasing the knowledge about health needs, drug use patterns and the coverage of drug-related interventions in prison within Europe. The current protocol ...

QC as a basis for human application of phage therapy in Belgium

therapy. Although the initial treatments were administered under the provisions of Article 37 of the Declaration of Helsinki (Unproven Interventions in Clinical Practice), the majority of patients received ...

The development of a webtool for health professionals to adequately refer oncological patients to supportive care

evidence-based supportive care interventions for the needs. Linking the evidence-based interventions to the available professionals and institutions in Belgium offering supportive care. Developing an overview of ...

Trends in Hospital Antibacterial Consumption in Belgium (2017-2021): Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

monitored. Implementing robust hospital-specific surveillance mechanisms would improve the precision of evaluations and facilitate targeted interventions aimed at optimizing antimicrobial utilization. ...

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