Résultats de la recherche - 194 results
A multicentre interventional study to assess blood-borne viral infections in Belgian prisons
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Dana Busschots; Cécile Kremer; Rob Bielen; Özgür M. Koc; Leen Heyens; Christian Brixko; Pierre Laukens; Hans Orlent; Pascal Bilaey; Francis De Smet; Geert Hellemans; Gaetan Muyldermans; L Van Bae ...
Burden of non-communicable diseases in Cyprus, 1990–2017: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study
the burden of NCD s over the period from 1990 to 2017, NCD s are still a major public health challenge. Implementation of interventions and early detection screening programmes of modifiable NCD risk ...
Cervical cancer screening using HPV tests on self-samples: attitudes and preferences of women participating in the VALHUDES study
VALHUDES Abstract: BACKGROUND Interventions to reach women who do not participate regularly in screening may reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Self-collection of a vaginal specimen has been shown to ...
Measuring optimism bias among military personnel
Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 82 (2021) Keywords: Driver-education interventions Military Personnel Risky-driving behaviors Road safety evaluation Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Risk factors and their contribution to population health in the European Union (EU-28) countries in 2007 and 2017
outcomes in Europe. It is important to identify the disease burden that is attributable to risk factors and, therefore, amenable to interventions. This paper reports the burden attributable to risk factors, ...
Evaluating an Intervention to Reduce Risky Driving Behaviors: Taking the Fear Out of Virtual Reality
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Clara A. Cutello; Michaela Gummerum; Yaniv Hanoch; Elizabeth Hellier Source: Risk Analysis, Volume 41, Issue 9 (2021) Keywords: Fear appeals; positively framed appeals; risky driving; virtual rea ...
Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture
and from which to measure the impact of interventions. This paper is part of a process of scientific enquiry in which problems are identified and solutions sought in an inclusive way. It poses the broad ...
Burden of foodborne diseases: think global, act local
interventions. In recent years, various countries have taken steps to implement them. Despite progress, the current burden of disease landscape remains scattered, and researchers struggle to translate findings to ...
Prevalence of burnout risk and factors associated with burnout risk among ICU nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak in French speaking Belgium
with theirworking conditions during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We recommend monitoring the riskof burnout and implementing interventions to prevent and manage it, taking into account the ...
Reducing optimism bias in the driver’s seat: Comparing two interventions
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Clara A. Cutello; Clare Walsh; Yaniv Hanoch; Elizabeth Hellier Source: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 78 (2021) Keywords: Hazard perception Optimism bias ...