Résultats de la recherche - 9 results
Years of life lost methods must remain fully equitable and accountable
approaches being applied to estimate the years of life lost to premature mortality (YLL), which Ferenci discusses in detail. Due to the overwhelming impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, YLL methods have become ...
QALY losses for chronic diseases and its social distribution in the general population: results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey
Methods. The Belgian Health Interview Survey 2013 and 2018 provided data on self-reported chronic conditions for a nationally representative sample. The annual QALY loss per 100,000 individuals was ...
Changes in quality-adjusted life expectancy in Belgium, 2013 and 2018
oL and its dimensions to this trend. Methods. The Belgian Health Interview Survey (BHIS), a representative sample of the general population, included the EQ-5D-5L instrument in 2013 and 2018. The tool ...
Belgian population norms for the EQ-5D-5L, 2018
age, and region and to analyze its association with educational attainment. Methods The BHIS 2018 provided EQ-5D-5L data for a nationally representative sample of the Belgian population. The dimension ...
The impact of multimorbidity patterns on health-related quality of life in the general population: results of the Belgian Health Interview Survey
oL). The aim was to estimate the impact of coexisting chronic diseases on HRQ oL of the adult general Belgian population. Methods The Belgian Health Interview Survey 2018 provided data on self-reported ...
Health expectancies in the European Union: same concept, different methods, different results
health measure that combines mortality and morbidity, which can be calculated using different methods. In this study, we aimed to assess the correlation, reliability and (dis)agreement between two ...
Population vulnerability to COVID-19 in Europe: a burden of disease analysis
COVID-19 by using estimates of population age structure and YLD for health conditions linked to severe illness from COVID-19. Methods Population and YLD estimates from GBD 2017 were extracted for 45 ...
Potential impact of reduced tobacco use on life and health expectancies in Belgium
Abstract: Objectives We investigated the potential impact of reduced tobacco use scenarios on total life expectancy and health expectancies, i.e., healthy life years and unhealthy life years. Methods Data ...
Monitoring health inequalities when the socio-economic composition changes: are the slope and relative indices of inequality appropriate? Results of a simulation study
(PAF). METHODS: We simulated 632 distributions of 4 educational levels (EL s) by varying the share (p1 to p4) of each EL, with constant mortality rates (MR) and calculated the corresponding RII, SII and ...