Résultats de la recherche - 49 results

Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 2 on Triage, Treatment and Follow-up.

important need, outlined in the National Cancer Plan, with regard to screening for cervical cancer, as this guideline aims to provide important information and support for planned organized screening for ...

The EMPCAN study: protocol of a population-based cohort study on the evolution of the socio-economic position of workers with cancer

the working age population (16–64 years). There is a strong need to assess and understand their reintegration on the labour market, which underlines and ensures their social integration and quality of ...

Palliative care service use by older people: Time trends from a mortality follow-back study between 2005 and 2014.

end-of-life care older people Palliative Care primary care trend analysis Abstract: BACKGROUND: The need for increased use and timely initiation of palliative care for all people, not just those who die with ...

Pregnancy outcome after cervical conisation: A 2nd retrospective cohort study in the Leuven University Hospital.

a significant trend towards smaller cones which was accompanied by a decrease in preterm birth after excisional treatment. The clinician could limit the size of the cone to avoid obstetrical harms, but needs to ...

Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.

offloading is the cornerstone of DFU treatment these results are worrying, although overall off-loading rates were comparable to those reported in Eurodiale. Efforts are needed to understand and tackle the ...

Initiative for Quality Improvement and Epidemiology in Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics (IQED-Foot)- Results of the 4th data collection (audit years 2013-2014)

better understood and acted on. The scope of the questionnaire was broad. We can expect data collection burden to be relatively high compared to other comparable audit systems. Further efforts are needed ...

Triage of HPV positive women in cervical cancer screening.

Choice of test algorithms is based on comparison of absolute risk estimates from triage tests with established clinical thresholds. Importantly, triage tests need to be evaluated together with the primary ...

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