Résultats de la recherche - 49 results

World Health Organization Guidelines for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2-3 and screen-and-treat strategies to prevent cervical cancer.

However, high-quality evidence was not available. Such evidence is needed, in particular for screen-and-treat strategies that are relevant to low- and middle-income countries. Health Topics:  Quality of ...

The German and Belgian accreditation models for diabetic foot services.

recognition diabetic foot clinics need to treat at least 52 patients with a new foot problem (Wagner 2 or more or active Charcot foot) per annum. Baseline and 6-month outcome data of these patients are included ...

Which high-risk HPV assays fulfil criteria for use in primary cervical cancer screening?

tests, validated assays which assure high-quality screening need to be identified. A systematic review was conducted to answer the question which hrHPV tests fulfil the criteria defined by an international ...

The right indicator for the job: different levels of rigor may be appropriate for the development of quality indicators. Comment on Stelfox and Straus.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kris Doggen; Astrid Lavens; Viviane Van Casteren Source: J Clin Epidemiol, Volume 67, Issue 9, p.963-4 (2014) Keywords: Humans Needs ...

Metaprop: a Stata command to perform meta-analysis of binomial data.

statistical software is needed to produce the summary statistic of interest. METHODS: Metaprop is a statistical program implemented to perform meta-analyses of proportions in Stata. It builds further on the ...

Policy statement on multidisciplinary cancer care.

care they need and deserve. While implementation must remain in local hands, European health systems can still benefit from having a basis for an effective multidisciplinary model of cooperation. This ...

Human papillomavirus testing versus repeat cytology for triage of minor cytological cervical lesions.

accurate triage of women with ASCUS or LSIL is required to identify those who need further management.This review evaluates two ways to triage women with ASCUS or LSIL: repeating the cytological test, and ...

Evidence regarding human papillomavirus testing in secondary prevention of cervical cancer.

Prevention Uterine Cervical Neoplasms virology Abstract: More than ever, clinicians need regularly updated reviews given the continuously increasing amount of new information regarding innovative cervical ...

Care delivery and outcomes among Belgian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

countries, while complication screening rates were intermediate. The observed centre variation in HbA(1c) remained unexplained. Outcomes were associated with family structure, highlighting the continuing need ...

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