Résultats de la recherche - 26 results

Macrolides and lincosamides in cattle and pigs: use and development of antimicrobial resistance.

pathogens, including some zoonotic bacteria, has now emerged. A comparison of studies on the prevalence of resistance is difficult, since for many micro-organisms no agreed standards for susceptibility testing ...

Surveillance septicemieën in Belgische ziekenhuizen- Jaarrapport 2013, gegevens 2000-2013

culture/suspected origin). The most frequent micro-organisms in BSI acquired in the hospital were E. coli (22%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (13%) and Staphylococcus aureus (11%). Antibiotic resistance of these ...

Premature mortality in Belgium in 1993-2009: leading causes, regional disparities and 15 years change

(-21.0%) and the external causes (-20.8%). The larger decrease in single cause is observed for stomach cancer (-48.4%), road accident (-44%), genital organs (-40.4%) and lung (-34.6%) cancers. On the ...

Assessment of pfcrt 72-76 haplotypes eight years after chloroquine withdrawal in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Chain Reaction Sequence Analysis, DNA Abstract: BACKGROUND: In 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as the first-line treatment ...

Development and assessment of national performance indicators for infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship in European long-term care facilities.

Organization scoring system recorded how close each country was to implementing each standard. FINDINGS: The 42 agreed component indicators were grouped into six NPI categories: ‘national programme’, ...

Obstacles in measles elimination: an in-depth description of a measles outbreak in Ghent, Belgium, spring 2011.

symptoms suspicious for measles. Vaccination coverage in the affected anthroposophic schools was low, 45-49% of the pupils were unvaccinated. We organized vaccination campaigns in the schools and vaccinated ...

M.tuberculosis mutants lacking oxygenated mycolates show increased immunogenicity and protective efficacy as compared to M. bovis BCG vaccine in an experimental mouse model.

Mutation Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycolic Acids Organ Specificity Oxygen Species Specificity Spleen Th1 Cells Th17 Cells Trachea Treatment Outcome Tuberculosis Vaccination virulence ...

Surveillanceprogramma van septicemieën in ziekenhuizen in België- Gegevens 2000-2011

preventable, in particular for the septicemia associated to invasive devices. For this reason, Belgium organized a national septicemia surveillance (SEP) since 1992. The number of hospitals participating for ...

Belgian health-related data in three international databases.

study wants to examine the availability of Belgian healthcare data in the three main international health databases: the World Health Organization European Health for All Database (WHO- HFA), the ...

Parenteral versus oral administration of systemic antimicrobials in European nursing homes: a point-prevalence survey.

antimicrobial-resistant micro-organisms. Long-term care facilities are increasingly able to offer parenteral antimicrobial treatment but there are few data on the use and appropriateness of such treatment in this setting. ...

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