Résultats de la recherche - 865 results
Illegal medicines observed in the EU
galenic issues. All these issues represent health risks for the patient, since they can result in intoxications, treatment failure, antimicrobial resistance, etc. Also in the context of medicines in ...
Clinicians' perspectives on routine screening for intimate partner violence in pregnant patients during antenatal care: a research protocol from the EGPRN Fellows
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Hüsna Sarıca Çevik; Sherihane Bensemmane; Michael Harris Source: 98th EGPRN Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 9-12 May 2024, European General Practice Research Network, Issue European Genera ...
QC as a basis for human application of phage therapy in Belgium
a viable alternative treatment strategy has gained more interest in the last two decades, encouraging research in the field. In Belgium, more than a hundred patients have already benefited from phage ...
Potential determinants of the decline in mpox cases in Belgium: A behavioral, epidemiological and seroprevalence study.
investigated temporal evolutions in the characteristics and behavior of mpox patients using national surveillance data and data from a prospective registry of mpox patients in the Institute of Tropical Medicine ...
The Spider: a visual, multisystemic symptom impact questionnaire for people with hypermobility-related disorders-validation in adults.
in adults. METHOD: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted over four stages. Three international patient charities aided recruitment of participants through social media and website advertisements. ...
Brochure pour les patients- Diabétique de type 2- 2022- Fr
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Astrid Lavens Source: (2024) Health Topics: Quality of healthcare Diabetes Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Diabète Diabetes Service: Étude des soins de ...
Brochure pour les patients- Diabétique de type 1- 2022- Fr
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Astrid Lavens Source: (2024) Health Topics: Quality of healthcare Diabetes Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Diabète Diabetes Service: Étude des soins de ...
The development of a webtool for health professionals to adequately refer oncological patients to supportive care
Abstract: The development of a supporting tool for health professionals to adequalty refer oncological patients to supportive care Introduction More people are surviving cancer thanks to better treatments. In ...
Possible impact of culture-independent diagnostic techniques on surveillance of gastrointestinal pathogens in Belgium
specificities, and ultimately improve patient care. However, the absence of clinical isolates may hamper epidemiological investigations and public health surveillance. In Belgium, CIDT for gastrointestinal ...
Trends in Hospital Antibacterial Consumption in Belgium (2017-2021): Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Daily Doses (DDD s), and AMC was expressed in DDD s/1000 inhabitants/day (DID s), DDD s/1000 patient days and DDD s/1000 admissions. Linear regressions were employed to analyze 5-year trends for the ATC ...