Résultats de la recherche - 865 results

Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group- Artificial Intelligence in cancer care

patients, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders in the health care. To further leverage AI in health, Belgium is advised to make policy-level decisions about how to fund, design and undertake actions ...

Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of three Seegene Allplex SARS-CoV-2 assays within the VALCOR framework.

diagnostic assays remain in demand to monitor SARS-CoV-2 at the individual patient level, regionally, and nationally, as well as to remain an infectious disease preparedness instrument to monitor any new ...

Delayed treatment in breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population health information research infrastructure (PHIRI) case study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; Royo-Sierra, Santiago; González-Galindo, Javier; Martínez-Lizaga, Natalia; Bogaert, Petronille; Nienke Schutte; Van Eycken, Liesbet; Van Damme, Nancy; Henau, Kris; Ly ...

Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling

suffer from pollinosis, but the geographical variability is large. In Belgium, at least ~ 10% of the people develop allergies due to birch pollen. These patients may benefit from a forecasting system that ...

Hybrid Immunity Overcomes Defective Immune Response to COVID-19 Vaccination in Kidney Transplant Recipients

(naïve KTR s [N- KTR s]) and 23 SARS-CoV-2-experienced (experienced KTR s [E- KTR s]) patients, were prospectively studied and compared to 106 healthy controls (HC s), including 40 SARS-CoV-2-naïve (N- HC ...

Belgian recommendations for analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests

medical tests in laboratories is important prior to implementation of the test in daily routine to guarantee the quality and reliability of the patient results. But there are two problems: (i) There exist ...

Caring for Long Covid patients in Belgian primary care.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: S Moreels; Sherihane Bensemmane; Robrecht De Schreye Source: International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), ICIC, Volume 23, Issue S1, Antwerp, Belgium (2023) Keywords: Belgium long COVID prima ...

Validation of a Targeted LC-MS/MS Method for Cereulide and Application in Food and Faeces.

was used to analyse one food sample (rice) from a Belgian foodborne outbreak and five faecal samples from patients with clinical symptoms after consumption of the contaminated rice. The levels of ...

Caring for all? Biases, ethnicity, and mental health care: the case of general practice

contribute to ethnic inequalities. The aim of this thesis is to describe the extent to which biases among GP s are present and how they influence their medical decisions toward migrant patients with ...

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