Résultats de la recherche - 17 results
Sample preparation methods for elemental analysis in electronic cigarette aerosols: a critical review
carcinogens, were present in these aerosols. To ensure the accuracy of dose-toxicity estimations, it is essential to have access to reliable and reproducible methods for estimating the dose in question. Although ...
Identification and quantification of the novel synthetic nicotinic alkaloid 6-methyl nicotine in proclaimed tobacco- and nicotine free pouches, available in the EU
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Vanhee, Céline; Maarten dill; Michael Canfyn; Sophia Barhdadi Source: International Laboratory Forum on Counterfeit Medicines ...
Method Development and Validation of an Aerosol Sampling Technique for the Analysis of Nicotine in Electronic Cigarette Aerosols
The method was applied to 15 commercial e-liquids. A complete validation of a method for the analysis of e-cigarette emissions is presented, including several parameters that impact the accuracy and ...
The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV.
using the ‘total error’ approach, applying accuracy profiles and conforming to ISO17025. None of the analysed samples exceeded the legal limit for the total amount of ∆9- THC present. However, of the 20 ...
Spectroscopic approaches for conformity analysis of e-liquids
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: zeb akhtar; Sophia Barhdadi; Erwin Adams; Eric Deconinck Source: 21st Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, BGFW, Issue BGFW, ...
Development of a “Freeze-Pour” Sample Preparation Method for the GC Analysis of Semivolatile Flavouring Chemicals Present in E-cigarette Refill Liquids
chromatography (HS- GC) analysis is presented as an excellent method for the analysis of high volatile components in e-liquids. For the analysis of semivolatile ingredients, an additional sample preparation step ...
Identification of flavouring substances of genotoxic concern present in e-cigarette refills
establish a screening strategy to prioritize the flavouring substances of highest concern for human health. In the present study, a prioritization strategy combining analytical screening, in silico tools and ...
Impact of the revised European Tobacco Product Directive on the quality of e-cigarette refill liquids in Belgium
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sophia Barhdadi; Moens, Goedele; Michael Canfyn; Celine Vanhee; Bart Desmedt; Patricia Courselle; Rogiers, Vera; Vanhaecke, ...
Development of a sample preparation method for the GC-analysis of e-cigarette refill liquids
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sophia Barhdadi; Michael Canfyn; Bart Desmedt; Sanae El Merabety; Patricia Courselle; Rogiers, Vera; Tamara Vanhaecke; Eric ...
Genotoxic evaluation of the liquids present in electronic cigarettes
cigarette. While some studies indicate that the e-cigarette may be up to 95% healthier than the conventional cigarette, an important amount of hazardous substances are still present in the e-liquid, albeit at ...