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Résultats de la recherche - 209 results
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol
patients with COVID-19 by health systems across Europe and elsewhere. unCoVer aims to exploit the full potential of this information to rapidly address clinical and epidemiological research questions arising ...
Organizing the health interview survey at the local level: design of a pilot study.
option. All questions were selected from the Belgian Health Interview Survey relating to health status and determinants of health. RESULTS: One thousand twenty-two questionnaires were obtained after ...
Management of tick bites and suspicion of Lyme disease in Belgian primary care: compliance with national guidelines
serology. Only symptomatic confirmed cases require prescription of antibiotics. Research questions: The objective is to assess GP ’s compliance with 2017 Belgian national guidelines regarding tick bite and ...
Detection of regulated and prohibited plants in plant food supplements
chromatographic profile of the targeted plant in the mixture and classify it as positive or negative for the targeted plant. For this first topic of the break-out session on herbals, the questions that are ...
Development of a data-intensive centralized system for surveillance and outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens using whole-genome sequencing
ciprofloxacin-resistant Shigella within Belgium, successfully linking cases to domestic circulation and travel-related events. We also applied the developed data analysis methods to solve specific questions for various ...
Flanders and Brussels join forces to tackle animal testing
techniques play a very important role in answering questions that follow from a regulatory framework or biomedical research,” a press release stated. Service: Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé ...
Opportunities for a population-based cohort in Belgium
policy-relevant research questions. In Belgium, existing cohort-like initiatives are limited by their focus on specific population groups or specific topics, or they lack a true longitudinal design. Since 2016, ...
Prioritizing health information for national health reporting- a Delphi study of the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct).
first round, information about these processes was gathered in semi-structured questions; in the second round, participants were asked to rank the identified approaches for desirability and feasibility. ...
The stigma of people with mental health problems and the role of health care professionals: An international scoping review
existing interventions. Method A literature review was carried out on PubMed, Cinhal and Cairn databases using a scoping review method. The inclusion criteria for the articles were their relevance to the research question ...
WGS- versus ORF5-Based Typing of PRRSV: A Belgian Case Study.
analysing (nearly) complete genomes. Finally, we also identified several vaccine-derived recombinant strains, which once more raises the question of the safety of these vaccines. Manuscript versions: DOI: ...