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Résultats de la recherche - 209 results
Evaluation of the shucking of certain species of scallops contaminated with domoic acid with a view to the production of edible parts meeting the safety requirements foreseen in the Union legislation
analytical sample. To address these questions, EFSA received suitable data on DA for only one scallop species, Pecten maximus, i.e. data on pooled samples of edible and non-edible parts. A large part of the ...
Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture
question: what should a system to measure the animal disease burden on society look like and what value would it add? Moreover, it aims to do this in such a way as to be accessible by a wide audience, who are ...
Evaluation of the shucking of certain species of scallops contaminated with lipophilic toxins with a view to the production of edible parts meeting the safety requirements foreseen in the Union legislation
recommend the number of scallops in an analytical sample. To address these questions, EFSA received suitable data on the three toxin groups in two scallop species, Aequipecten opercularis and Pecten maximus, ...
Morbidity Statistics: 2019 Pilot Data Collection Belgium, Final Report
questioned and there are some concerns regarding the compatibility and description of some of the proposed definitions. We propose an easy to read scoring system to evaluate the quality and comparability of ...
Does arsenic pose a health concern after consumption of clay products?
questions to answer relate to the bioaccessibility and bioavailability of the inorganic arsenic present, rather than to the As species distribution, which often receives most attention in standard foodstuffs. ...
Sociocultural Influences on Food Choices and Implications for Sustainable Healthy Diets.
primarily the ideational pathways, such as identity, gender, religion, and cultural prohibitions, and their influence on food practices. We then provide guiding questions, frameworks, and a brief overview of ...
Validity of self-reported mammography uptake in the Belgian health interview survey: selection and reporting bias.
Renard Source: Eur J Public Health (2020) Keywords: MAMMOGRAPHY Reimbursement Mechanisms Self-reported Abstract: BACKGROUND: The validity of self-reported mammography uptake is often questioned. We ...
Brief assessment of (in)direct questions on domestic/partner violence in the Belgian HIS 2013-2018
(indirect) related questions as an appropriate tool to assess domestic and partner violence in the general population. A more direct approach in the HIS 2018 will be compared with the HIS 2013 ...
Mechanical transmission of African swine fever virus by Stomoxys calcitrans: Insights from a mechanistic model.
epidemiological investigations have raised questions regarding the role of haematophagous arthropods, in particular the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). In this study, we developed a mechanistic vector-borne ...
The Belgian health examination survey: objectives, design and methods.
trained nurses. The data collection included: 1) a short set of questions through a face-to-face interview, 2) a clinical examination consisting of the measurement of height, weight, waist circumference, ...