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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2

documented into a practical and readily digestible format. The purpose of this ‘Cookbook’ is to provide practical and proven ‘recipes’ for WBS for SARS-CoV-2 for two reasons: firstly to help those considering ...

Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey

9.6%). The most frequently reported diagnoses for medical antimicrobial treatment were pneumonia (25.7%) and urinary tract infections (17.1%). The reason for AU was available in 80.0% of the medical notes. ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

different aspects of crisis management, many with a focus on managing pandemics. While each project has distinct aims and challenges, they all work towards a common goal. It is for this reason that thirteen ...

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