Résultats de la recherche - 12 results
Illegal medicines observed in the EU
galenic issues. All these issues represent health risks for the patient, since they can result in intoxications, treatment failure, antimicrobial resistance, etc. Also in the context of medicines in ...
Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm.
contaminated with bacteria, two of which were contaminated with known pathogens that cause gastrointestinal illness upon oral intake. In addition to the direct risks of self-medicating with such a product, the ...
Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020
antibiotics Quality risk analysis Abstract: Studies on SF antimicrobials, one of the most frequently used medical products, circulating in Europe or other industrialized regions are very scarce. However, case ...
The strategic change of the API fingerprint programme: from verification of authenticity of API sources to identifying potential quality issues
s and the detection of falsified or substandard ones, due to the risks related to the quality of the finished product. With this vision the fingerprint programme was created, where next to conformity ...
Microbial quality analysis of falsified medicines seized by controling agencies
good manufacturing practices (GMP). The potential health risks associated with consuming such compromised medications range from toxic impurities to contamination with pathogenic microorganisms. In this ...
Multidimensional chromatographic fingerprinting combined with chemometrics for the identification of regulated plants in suspicious plant food supplements
channels for their purchase. Therefore, some of these products may be ‘suspicious’ and a risk for consumers health. This study aims at developing a screening approach for detection of four regulated plants ...
chromatographic fingerprinting for the detection of herbal adulteration and herbal fraud in plant food supplements
adulteration. In the first case the PFS contains an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), not claimed on the package, representing a serious health risk. In the second case the product contains active plants or ...
OMCL testing and the API working group: Part of the solution?
manufacturers. Despite the efforts, API testing within the network is limited, compared to the surveillance of finished products. Though it has to be said that the risk for quality deficiencies and falsification ...
Characterization and risk identification of falsified medicines and adulterated dietary supplements
Online meeting (2021) Keywords: Illegal medicines Abstract: Characterization and risk identification of falsified medicines and adulterated dietary supplements Both the increasing occurrence of illegal ...
Falsification of biotechnology drugs: current dangers and/or future disasters?
antibodies), complexity (e.g., isoforms, glycosylations) and different synthesis techniques (chemical synthesis, recombinant expression, native protein isolation) result in a wide range of putative health risks ...