Résultats de la recherche - 12 results
Accuracy of immunological tests on serum and urine for diagnosis of Taenia solium neurocysticercosis: A systematic review
localization and stage according to a developed confidence scale, and with selection of tests evaluated on a sufficiently high sample size. A QUADAS-2 risk of bias assessment was performed. After screening, 169 ...
Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges
for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) published the opinion 18-2021 regarding whole genome sequencing (WGS) for the detection of foodborne outbreaks and bacterial risk assessment. This opinion was ...
Fasciola spp. in Southeast Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
gather recent information on the distribution and prevalence of and the associated risk factors for Fasciola spp. infections in humans, animals, and plant carriers in Southeast Asia. Methods. Bibliographic ...
Assessing the burden of Taenia solium cysticercosis in Burundi, 2020
solium cysticercosis is a zoonotic disease that is endemic in many low- and middle-income countries where risk factors for disease transmission are present. The economic impact of cysticercosis on public ...
Burden of disease of dietary exposure to four chemical contaminants in Denmark, 2019
the scientific literature, and disease incidence and population numbers from national statistics. We adopted a risk assessment approach to estimate disease burden, quantifying incidence, mortality, and ...
Burden of foodborne disease due to bacterial hazards associated with beef, dairy, poultry meat, and vegetables in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, 2017
size of the problem and motivate action to mitigate risks and prevent illness. This study provides estimates for the burden of foodborne disease caused by selected hazards in two African countries ...
Estimates of the 2015 global and regional disease burden from four foodborne metals- arsenic, cadmium, lead and methylmercury
cadmium. Ingested lead and methylmercury are causally associated with lifelong intellectual disability. Long term ingestion of arsenic is causally associated with an increased risk of cancer. Long term ...
Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne Disease
Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Tanya Roberts; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Robert L. Scharff; Barbara B. Kowalcyk; Arie H. Havelaar Source: Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne ...
Global burden of late-stage chronic kidney disease resulting from dietary exposure to cadmium, 2015
(GFR), increasing the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). In support of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s initiative to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases, a risk assessment was ...
Use of next‐generation sequencing in microbial risk assessment
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Koenraad Van Hoorde; Francis Butler Source: Volume 16 (2018) Keywords: Food Safety Illumina microbial risk ...