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treatment demande

Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

Cocaine treatment demands in 10 western European countries: observed trends between 2011 and 2018

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jérôme Antoine; Nadine Berndt; Mariana Astudillo; Donal Cairns; Stefan Jahr; Andrew Jones; Kuijpers, Wil; Noelia Llorens; Suzi Lyons; Etienne Maffli; Natalia Magliocchetti; Marta Molina Olivas; C ...

Do more people in Europe need treatment for problems related to cocaine use? An analysis of cocaine treatment demand in 10 Western European countries

  Following a recent annual European meeting on drug treatment demand, a group of experts from nine countries (Belgium, France, Germany, The Republic of Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, ...

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