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Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Characterization of suspected dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid

validation of a specific identification and quantification method is described. The proposed method utilizes an essential pre-extraction step prior to identification by infra-red spectroscopy followed by an ...

Quality control of polio vaccines at WIV-ISP

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: M Janssen Source: First International Workshop to Assess the utility of Deep Sequencing for the evaluation of the genetic ...

Development and validation of a targeted LC-MS/MS quantitation method to monitor cell culture expression of tetanus neurotoxin during vaccine production

further upstream purification and detoxification. The quantitation method, validated according to ICH guidelines and by the application of the total error approach, was utilized to assess the amount of TeNT ...

Non-sterile pharmaceutical water: source of life and/or potential carrier for opportunistic pathogens

world. Evidently, this molecule is also one of the major resources utilized by the pharmaceutical industry. Water can be present as an excipient or might be used for reconstitution of products, during ...

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